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HPE CloudPhysics - Assessment Create / Renew

How To: Create and Renew/Extend Assessments

Assessments can be assigned to both new and existing users. These assessments will typically run for 7 to 30 days depending on the desired assessment output requirements. At the end of an assessment, a customer will revert back to a free account with limited access to the CloudPhysics platform.

Please note You can only renew / extend an assessment after the current assessment has expired. No data will be lost. Data will remain up to date as long as the customer keeps the HPE CloudPhysics Appliance installed and running.

There are many situations where you may want to invite new or existing customers to an assessment or extend the access to an existing assessments. Follow these steps to start or renew/extend an assessment.

  1. Inviting new customers to an HPE CloudPhysics assessment

  2. Adding or Renewing/Extending an assessment to an existing HPE CloudPhysics customer

Inviting new customers to an HPE CloudPhysics assessment

For new customers, the first step is to invite a customer and assign them to a new HPE CloudPhysics Assessment.

On the Customer Tab, select Add Customer.

Provide a customer contact email address. This is the primary person within the organization who will receive the assessment invite and manage the users within their organization.

Select an internal contact. This contact typically will be the account manager or inside sales representative within your organization who will be granted access to view this customer and manage assessments.

Select one or more assessments to assign to the customer. The available assessments are managed by HPE on a per partner basis and may change from quarter to quarter.

Provide a HPE Oportunity ID
Provide an HPE SalesForce Opportunity ID to assist with tracking your assessment and match your assessemnt with an HPE Customer. All new assessments and renews are required to provide a valid HPE SAlesForce Opportunity ID in the format of OPE-##########. A valid HPE Opportunity ID is required for all HPE CloudPhysics Assessments by all HPE Employees and Partners.

HPE Partners: Login to the HPE Partner Ready Portal to create a new or leverage an existing Opportunity ID. Note, a valid OPE-ID is required to proceed; Registration is optional.

Note: Invalid Opportunity ID's may result in your assessment being canceled. If you do not have an Opportunity ID, please do not start an assessment. You will not be able to add an Opportunity ID after an assessment has started.

Customize your invitation message and send the invite.

This will complete the new customer invitation process. Your customer will receive an invitation from the HPE CloudPhysics platform shortly and will be required to activate their account before they appear in your Customer table as an active customer. You can change your Customer Data Table filters at the top to see outstanding invitations.

Adding or renewing an assessment for an existing HPE CloudPhysics customer

For Existing Customers, you can invite the customer to a new assessment. This may be to start a new assessment or simply to extend an existing assessment to allow for further data collection and reporting.

Select the data row expander next to your customer account name to expose the rich data table assocaited with your customer account.

Click on the Add Assessment button to renew an expired assessment or to add a new assessment to a customer.

Choose the desired assessment. Multiple assessments can be selected to expose additional card decks.

Provide assessment objectives such as a Sales Force Opportunity ID, Employee ID, Email address, or description of the assessment objective.

Press the Add Assessment button to add the customer to the assessment.

Customers will have access to the assessment the next time they log into the platform. To ensure they can see the assessment, have the customer log out and log back in to ensure the browser data refreshes.
Use this email address for Assessments, Campaigns, Registration, and Account Management