HPE CloudPhysics - Managing Users
How To: Invite and manage additional users to your organization
Initially, when a new organization is being invited to HPE CloudPhysics, only one user should be invited. This first user will be the organization administrator and internal Contact for the Partner and HPE. This administrator user will be responsible for the invitation and management of additional users until they add additional administrator users. Users can be added to an organization as either a user or an administrator. There is no limit number of users or administrator accounts, but limiting the number of administrators is advised for customer privacy and account security. Only an administrator in a user organization can invite, edit, add, or remove users from an organization. HPE Support and Partners cannot manage users in a customer organization or any organization they have invited.
NOTE: If the only administrator departs an organization, HPE Support cannot add a new administrator to your organization. The only remediation is to either have your email/security team redirect the departed user’s email to a different user to allow for a Password Reset or start a new Customer/Partner organization. HPE Support cannot edit, invite, delete, or change customer or partner users.
Differences between administrators and users based on organization type:
For HPE Customers: Users can only see account details in the portal. An administrator can invite and mange new users and see the account details. Administrators can also get new Tokens for the deployment of new HPE CloudPhysics Appliances.
For HPE Partners: Users can only see their own accounts where they are on the Account Team. Administrators can see all accounts, but not account details unless they are on the account team. Administrators can invite new users and manage existing users.
To invite/add an individual to an account, follow these simple steps:
Open the User Management menu under your username in the top right corner. Clicking on your username will reveal the drop-down menu (or go directly to the page for your own organization at https://app.cloudphysics.com/management/user)
Choose User Management Button
On the User management page, you can invite new users or resend invites. Open invitations that have not been accepted will be on the top. Registered users who have accepted the invite are at the bottom.
Provide an email address
Select Role (user or administrator)
Send invite.
Users who have not accepted their invite can be canceled or the invite can be resent with the Resend link after their invite.
After you have sent an invite, you can simply enter the email address into the address bar to filter the users to see if they have accepted an invitation yet or if the invitation is still outstanding.
If a user has not received their invite, or for some reason needs a new invite, you can locate the user in the Invitations table and select re-invite or cancel at the end of their data row.
Once a user has accepted the invite, they will be listed the Registered users table. You will see their last login date and the admin who invited the user. You can also choose to EDIT a user to change their role between user and administrator or deactivate a user to remove them from your organization account.
Try to always keep at least two admin users active in the event one user departs the company or is unable to login to the portal. HPE Support cannot add users to Customer Partner organizations.
As a recovery step, many organizations redirect the email from a departed individual to a new user for a brief period with the assistance of their email security teams. This allows a user to request a password reset / “Forgot Password” from the HPE CloudPhysics login page. Once a password has been reset, the user can then change role or invite addition administrators to manage the organization and remove the departed users.
If you need further assistance, please contact HPE CloudPhysics Support at CloudPhysicsSupport@hpe.com